
On the web, we need a <canvas> element somewhere to draw on. Currently, this element must have the following properties:

  1. Span the entire page (absolutely positioned).
  2. Not used for any other rendering.
  3. There can only be one such canvas.
  4. It may be layered at any z-index: either behind other elements, on top of it, or in the middle (e.g. behind buttons and popovers, but in front of backgrounds).

You can specify the canvas in a few ways:

  1. Use zaplib.initialize({ defaultStyles: true }), which automatically adds a canvas to the body of the page.
  2. Pass it in using zaplib.initialize({ canvas }). In this case some styles will automatically be applied to the canvas (through the zaplib_canvas CSS class), but you can override these yourself. For example:
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
zaplib.initialize({ canvas });

Interoperation with existing DOM elements is still limited, but it is possible to add id="zaplib_js_root" to the root element that contains your other DOM elements in order to prevent Zaplib from handling events that are already captured by your JS code.